The Foodery at the corner of Poplar and 2nd street in Philadelphia has done it again; offering up another choice in a steadily growing list of beer options for us, the Celiac sufferers of the world. Heading to The Foodery on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, after leaving sweat and blood on the concrete and asphalt of Philly's skate-parks and street obstacles, has become a bit of a pilgrimage for my brother and I. Sitting down in front of a gluten free sandwich and a couple gluten free beers is always a fitting capstone to our weekend, stunt-wood urban assault bro-time ritual.
When I noticed the neon green cans at the tail end of the gluten free beer shelf, at first, I didn't assume they were gluten free. I mean, I've never seen a gluten free beer in a can before. But when I read the words "Gluten Free" on the can, I immediately grabbed a few, swiped an empty pint glass and got down to business! Fox Tail Gluten Free Ale is made by the Joseph James Brewing Company, and is, as I expected, the world's first gluten free beer in a can. I could taste the sorghum, but it didn't have that syrupy aftertaste you get with Redbridge, it was very crisp and light; a bit tart, but perfect on a hot summer day. As I'm writing this a fantasy bubble has formed above my head, full of images of ice filled coolers packed with frosty cans of Fox Tail GF beer, beaches and boogie boards and doing stupid things.
Here's the Link: Joseph James Brewing Company Fox Tail GF Ale
When I noticed the neon green cans at the tail end of the gluten free beer shelf, at first, I didn't assume they were gluten free. I mean, I've never seen a gluten free beer in a can before. But when I read the words "Gluten Free" on the can, I immediately grabbed a few, swiped an empty pint glass and got down to business! Fox Tail Gluten Free Ale is made by the Joseph James Brewing Company, and is, as I expected, the world's first gluten free beer in a can. I could taste the sorghum, but it didn't have that syrupy aftertaste you get with Redbridge, it was very crisp and light; a bit tart, but perfect on a hot summer day. As I'm writing this a fantasy bubble has formed above my head, full of images of ice filled coolers packed with frosty cans of Fox Tail GF beer, beaches and boogie boards and doing stupid things.
Here's the Link: Joseph James Brewing Company Fox Tail GF Ale