February 15, 2012

Gluten Free Beer Review: New Planet

 The last few years have been good to us gluten free beer drinkers.  I'll be perfectly honest, I miss the ability to drink a freshly poured Guinness stout at the local pub. I miss it each and every time I sip on any gluten free beer anywhere I am.  It sucks that my options for beer drinking pleasure are severely limited.  But it would suck even more if I couldn't drink beer at all.  Thankfully, there are a growing number of breweries that are cooking up some fine GF brewski.

Take New Planet Gluten Free Beers for example.  I stopped by Pinocchio's Beer Garden in Media PA. I heard that they had a pretty good GF beer selection.  And they did.  They even have a separate cooler just for gluten free beers and ciders!  I immediately noticed two new GF beer brands; New Planet and Dogfish Head (which I'll get to later).  New Planet had three options: Raspberry Ale, Off Grid Pale Ale, and Tread Lightly Ale.  I picked them all up.  Let me start with the Raspberry Ale...

The Raspberry Ale was interesting. Made with sorghum and corn, it was like a Redbridge without the syrupy sweetness, with the additional tarty tang of a raspberry aftertaste.  It wasn't bad, but I don't think I'll be stocking my fridge with it.

On to Off Grid Pale Ale...

New Planet's Off Grid Pale Ale is made with sorghum and brown rice.  It has a complex taste yet went down smoothly.  A bit darker than the Tread Lightly Ale, I found this beer to full bodied and satisfying.

The Tread Lightly Ale was my favorite of the three; very light and refreshing. Like the Raspberry Ale, it was made from sorghum and corn.  I really enjoyed this beer! I can see myself loading up a cooler of this brew; kicking back in the summertime, relaxing next to water skipping stones...  Yeah, that'll be nice.


Just So You Know...

The information presented in this blog is intended to educate and entertainment. However, I'm not a medical expert.  I also do not know absolutely everything about Celiac Disease.  What I do know has been learned through trial and error, research, and what has been taught to me by friends who also share my food-related affliction.  Please take the time to do your own research about Celiac Disease and gluten-related issues.  I have a list of links to useful resources along the left-side of this blog. Also, feel free to cross-check my statements. If you find contrary information, please let me know. Thanks so much for visiting Trav's Gone Gluten Free!